Works in Progress

Brianna, Zsastar, and Elisha from The Age of Merrik by Eugena Moulton
Brianna, Zsastar, and Elisha from The Age of Merrik by Eugena Moulton.

Series: The Age of Merrik

  • Dark Desires (Prequel)
  • Book 2: Rise of the New Masters
  • Book 3: Title TBA

Currently developing books 2 and 3 together.

Merrik from The Age of Merrik by Eugena Moulton
Merrik from The Age of Merrik

Rise of the New Masters

Sequel to The Age of Merrik: The Anointing

In order to stand against Malik’s new ally, Merrik must seek help from the Wizards of the North. With the disappearance of the sword masters, they are his best allies. But will Merrik stand aside while the woman he loves sacrifices herself?

Dark Desires

Dark Desires is a prequel set in The Age of Merrik universe. It occurs between chapters 1 and 2 of The Age of Merrik: The Anointing.

In a desperate bid to save their people, Regina Eleya and Prince Zaedrif, leaders of the Sword Masters, venture into a forbidden temple. The price, Zaedrif’s soul, will have repercussions for generations to come. Can Regina Eleya save both her people and her beloved’s soul?

Megami Pandora (Science Fiction)

Character Art:
Original Version Art by Hamza.

Megami in Space Adventure.  Original Version Art by Hamza.

Title TBA 1 (Supernatural)

New character art available, Meili and Qinglong:
Original Version Art by Hamza.

Meili and Qinglong

Title TBA 2 (Supernatural)

Eugena’s Note: I already have the titles for TBA titles. They just are not public right now.

Image Credits:
(Additional Edits by Eugena Moulton)
Brianna, Elisha, and Zsastar from The Age of Merrik (Zen); Merrik from The Age of Merrik (Zen); Megami (Hamza), Meili and Qinglong (Hamza).
More Information on Image Credits.