Age of Merrik

The Age of Merrik: The Anointing by Eugena Moulton
The Age of Merrik: The Anointing by Eugena Moulton, Published by iUniverse.

After his father’s death, Merrik, warrior and heir to the throne, brought stability to the war-torn kingdom of Tyera. But his fiancée brings about its destruction in her alliance with The General, the sworn enemy of the legendary Sword Masters and of the ancient Serafín. The General challenges Merrik’s authority and defeats him in battle, taking control over Tyera and enslaving the neighboring country of Rikan.

Merrik tries to regain his place as leader to rescue his people and the people of Rikan from The General’s iron grasp. In a desperate bid to save the country, his supporters find a mysterious woman, Merris, who becomes Merrik’s closest ally against The General. Aided by visions and warnings from the Serafín, Merrik and Merris must defeat The General before he can create his own super being to rule the world. Will Merrik be ready to accept the power of the ancient Serafín and become a Sword Master himself?